Friday, November 13, 2009

30 Rock Episode 4.5: "The Problem Solvers"

And the real 30 Rock is finally back and funny again!

After the first four episodes of season four, I was a little worried about where the show was headed. But after last night's episode, all 30 Rock worries can be laid to rest. The show was funny again, and actually developed a real plot without unnecessarily dragging it through multiple episodes.

Liz Lemon was offered a talk show in response to the popularity of her new book, Dealbreakers. Instead of agreeing to sign with Jack immediately, Liz listens to the advice of Jenna and Tracy, the self-proclaimed "Problem Solvers," and tries to search for the best possible option.

The new cast member, thankfully no longer dressed as a silver robot, encourages Jenna and Tracy to be nice to Kenneth, just in case he becomes their boss some day. Danny Baker, a new name given to him by Jack, struggles adjusting to his new life in show biz until Kenneth, who just wants to help someone again, fixes his problem.

After Lemon fails in trying to find someone to produce her show and Jack is unable to fill the void, the two realize the solution and agree to work together at the end.

The line of the episode has to go to Kenneth, who was voicing his anger over no one allowing him to do things for them. "I feel about as useful as a Mom's college degree," he said. Another sexist remark that everyone can't help to laugh at, similar to his allergy comments from season three, "After I ate that strawberry, I shut up quicker than a girl in math class."

Hopefully, 30 Rock keeps the momentum from this episode going into the rest of the season. Let me know what you all thought of the episode, and specifically if anyone thinks Danny is going to stick around for more than just a few episodes.

Take care,


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